Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is Lehto Group’s highest decision-making body. According to the Companies Act, the shareholders exercise their power of decision in matters related to the Company at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders decides on matters required by the Companies Act and the Company’s Articles of Association. The shareholders participate in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders either personally or through a representative. Each share entitles its holder to one vote.

The Annual General Meeting is held each year on the date determined by the Board of Directors, by the end of June. In accordance with the Companies Act and the Articles of Association, the Annual General Meeting decides on matters such as the adoption of the financial statements, the use of the profit shown on the balance sheet, and the election of the members of the Board of Directors and the auditor and their remuneration. The Annual General Meeting also decides on the discharge of the Members of the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability. Furthermore, an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held if the Board of Directors considers it necessary or if the Company’s auditor or shareholders whose shares represent at least one tenth of all shares issued by the Company so demand in writing in order for a given matter to be dealt with.

In accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, a written notice of a Annual General Meeting of Shareholders shall be given to shareholders no earlier than three (3) months and no later than three (3) weeks prior to the shareholders’ meeting, however, no later than nine (9) days prior to the record date of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. A notice of an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders shall be given by publishing it on the company’s website or in some other verifiable written form. The invitation to the Annual General Meeting and the proposals of the Board of Directors will also be published by a stock exchange release.


Annual General Meeting  2024

Documents of the Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting  2023

Documents of the Annual General Meeting