Vuolukiventie 2–4, Helsinki

As Oy Vuolukiventie 2 and As Oy Vuolukiventie 4 located in Helsinki’s Pihlajanmäki near verdant walking paths and the university of Viikki represent a very traditional pipeline renovation site for Lehto. A total of 132 apartments from 11 stairways were renovated in the project.


Vuolukiventie 2–4


Year finished

When the time for a pipeline renovation is at hand, it is good to renovate the entire building even if there are several housing companies. This was the case with Vuolukiventie where a single building with 132 apartments is owned by two housing companies, As Oy Vuolukiventie 2 and As Oy Vuolukiventie 4.

The site underwent a typical pipeline renovation where sewers were sliplined and the water pipeline and electric inlets were renewed, the telecommunications and antenna system was renewed and an inner optical fibre network was installed in the building with the possibility to order up to one gigabit internet connection from an internet operator.

A Typical Pipeline Renovation

The project was completed with minimal hassle and there were no bigger surprises during the project. The building constructed in 1964 from concrete elements offered similar challenges as other buildings from the same era; typically the location of pipes and walls in the original plans are not very accurate but this happens every day with pipeline renovations and small differences are taken into consideration in the original offer.

Our strongest assets are comprehensive planning and careful monitoring of the implementation of the project. When projects are completed on time there is no extra inconvenience to the residents either.

Vuolukiventie 2–4 is located in Pihlajanmäki, which represents a unified and high-quality construction style of the 60’s. The area was the first industrially produced suburb in Finland. Many of the buildings are in urgent need of a pipeline renovation. This renovation was implemented in approximately 12 months.

Lehto offers unique and advanced renovation and construction solutions. We design the project and implement renovations with the turnkey method in which there is no need for several contractors – we take care of everything from start to finish.

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